Project 500 invites private individuals and companies to collaborate in the development of affordable housing sites through various partnership avenues.

By joining forces, you can contribute to a transformative initiative that plays a vital role in addressing the affordable housing shortage.

We can achieve our goal of providing high-quality, affordable homes more efficiently and effectively.


Private investors and financial institutions can contribute capital to fund the construction of housing units. This investment not only supports community development but also provides a return on investment through the sale of these homes. Additionally, traditional borrowing arrangements with private entities can be utilized, offering structured loan agreements and potentially more favorable terms for both parties.*

Construction firms can partner with Project 500 by providing their expertise and resources to build the housing units. By utilizing advanced technologies and efficient construction methods, these firms can help accelerate the building process and ensure high-quality outcomes ad yeild returns through the sale of these homes or 3-5 year payback terms.*

Become a development partner by providing land sites where multiple homes can be built. While all parcels may not be extensive enough to accommodate entire communities, smaller lots can offer a diverse range of housing options, encompassing different types and styles.

Project 500 is committed to making homeownership accessible and achievable for more families. To realize this vision, we are partnering with lenders to provide comprehensive support and financial solutions for prospective homebuyers. Our collaboration with lenders focuses on creating a clear, manageable path to homeownership through a variety of tailored services and programs.


Review the various partnership options available, including financing, construction, and provision of land for multiple home builds.

Register your interest though the online registration form or email regarding the  Category B partnership opportunities.

  • Proposal Form: Complete and submit the partnership proposal form, either online through the Project 500 email.
  • Supporting Documents: Provide all required supporting documents, such as company profile, financial statements, and project proposals etc.
  • Proposal Evaluation: Project 500 will review your proposal to evaluate the potential for collaboration and schedule an interview for further discussions.
  • Agreement Drafting: Work with Project 500 to draft a partnership agreement that outlines the terms, responsibilities, and benefits of the partnership.
  • Financial and Legal Documentation: Ensure all legal documents are prepared, reviewed, and signed by both parties to formalize the partnership.
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