Project 500’s program for private landowners is an innovative approach that allows landowners to become homeowners of affordable, high-quality housing. By choosing from our existing model home floor plans and allowing us to manage the construction process, landowners can enjoy substantial financial benefits and contribute to a positive community initiative. We invite private landowners to connect with Project 500 and explore how we can work together to maximize the potential of their land and make a lasting impact on our communities.


This division will become active in April 2025.

Private landowners supply the land for a single home build. Owners can choose from the selection of Project 500 existing model home floor plans suitable to their lot for construction.

Project 500 will construct the home, and the owner will then purchase the home or receive the returns upon the sale of the property.

Financing is solely available for housing construction.


  • Title Deed: Provide a valid title deed or certificate of title proving ownership of the land.
  • Legal Documents: Submit all relevant legal documents that confirm ownership and any other encumbrances or liens on the property.
  • Land Survey: Provide a recent land survey report that clearly outlines the boundaries, size, and topography of the land.
  • Land Description: A detailed description of the land, including its location, access points, and any notable features or structures.
  • Financial Assessment: Conduct a financial assessment to determine budget and financing needs.
  • Mortgage Pre-Approval: Obtain mortgage pre-approval or verify other financing options from your preferred financial institution.
  • Floor Plan Selection: Choose a floor plan from the selection offered by Project 500.
  • Customization Requests: Specify any customization options or modifications to the standard floor plans.
  • Construction Contract: Review and sign the construction contract with Project 500, outlining the scope of work, timelines, costs, and responsibilities.
  • Payment Schedule: Agree on a payment schedule, including any initial deposits and milestone payments.
  • Clearing and Leveling: Ensure the land is cleared of any debris, vegetation, and existing structures. The land should be leveled and prepared for construction.
  • Infrastructure Requirements: Confirm the availability of or plans for essential infrastructure such as access roads, drainage, and sewage systems.
  • Utilities: Provide information on the availability of utilities like water, electricity, and telecommunications.
  • Timeline Adherence: Commit to adhering to the agreed-upon construction timelines and milestones.
  • Site Access: Provide Project 500 with unhindered access to the site for construction purposes.
Start planning for your future home now...