Frequently Asked Questions

Welcome to the Project 500 FAQ section! Here you’ll find answers to common questions about our affordable, sustainable housing program. We strive to provide the most up-to-date information to help you understand our mission, process, and how you can get involved. We are constantly working to enhance and expand Project 500. As new information and updates become available, we will add them to this section. We encourage you to check back regularly for the latest updates. If you have any questions that aren’t addressed here, please feel free to reach out to us directly. Thank you for your interest in Project 500!


What is Project 500?

Project 500 is a housing program designed to provide affordable housing using advanced technologies, climate-smart features, and efficient construction methods through a mechanized process. It prioritizes sustainability, accessibility, and comfort for residents.

Why was Project 500 initiated?

Project 500 addresses the urgent need for affordable housing in our communities. It offers a transformative approach to overcoming challenges such as securing available land, building cost-effectively, improving Grenada’s housing stock, and enhancing resilience. By reducing costs, accelerating construction, and incorporating climate-smart features, the program aims to make homeownership more accessible and secure for more people.

What are the main goals of Project 500?

– Create a path for home ownership for more Grenadians 

– Improve Grenada’s housing stock

– Enhance the resilience of the islands’ homes and infrastructure 

– Introduce and employ improved construction technologies.

– Ensure sustainability, accessibility, and comfort to its homeowners.

How is Project 500 structured?

The project is divided into four main divisions:

Division A: Government and Housing Authority Lands

  • Utilizes large parcels of land owned by the Government or Housing Authority of Grenada.
  • Creates new housing developments by subdividing these lands into new communities.
  • Individuals can purchase homes built from available floor plans.

Division B: Public-Private Partnerships

  • Enables private individuals and companies to partner with Project 500.
  • Partnerships can involve financing, construction, or providing land for multiple home builds.

Division C: Public Land Acquisition

  • PROJECT 500 seeks to acquire land parcels of 5 acres or more for development.
  • Welcomes parties interested in selling larger parcels to connect with the project.

Division D: Private Landowner Home Builds

  • Allows private landowners to supply land for a single home build.
  • Owners can choose from Project 500’s model home floor plans suitable for their lot.
  • Project 500 constructs the home, and the owner can either purchase the home or receive returns from its sale.

How does Project 500 contribute to the local economy?

Project 500 will contribute to the local economy by creating jobs in construction, real estate, and related industries. The program also stimulates economic growth by increasing homeownership rates and supporting local businesses involved in the supply chain for building materials and services.


Who can benefit from Project 500?

– Individuals and families looking for affordable, sustainable housing.

– Private landowners looking to develop or sell their land.

– Companies and individuals interested in partnering to develop housing sites.

Are there any eligibility requirements for participating in Project 500?

Eligibility requirements may vary depending on the division and specific project. Generally, potential homeowners will need to meet certain financial criteria and provide documentation to the lending institution to demonstrate their ability to purchase a home. For land sales, clear land title is required. Detailed eligibility requirements can be obtained from the Project 500 office.

How can private individuals and companies get involved with Project 500?

Private individuals and companies can partner with Project 500 in various ways, including financing, construction, or providing land for development. Interested parties should contact Project 500 to explore partnership opportunities.

How can landowners interested in selling larger parcels connect with Project 500?

Landowners interested in selling larger parcels (5 acres or more) to support Project 500’s development initiatives should contact the project to discuss potential sales and partnerships.

Do I need a clear title on my land to participate in Project 500?

Yes, having a clear title on your land is essential to participate in Project 500. Clear title ensures that there are no legal disputes or claims against the property, making it eligible for sale or development under the program.


What types of homes are available through Project 500?

Project 500 offers a selection of model home floor plans from 2 – 4 bedrooms that are designed to be affordable, sustainable, and comfortable. These plans are available to individuals purchasing homes in new developments and to private landowners choosing to build a single home.

Are the homes built through Project 500 customizable?

Project 500 offers a selection of pre-designed floor plans that are currently not customizable. Potential homeowners can choose from these floor plans to find the one that best suits their needs.

How does Project 500 ensure the quality of construction?

Project 500 ensures the quality of construction by adhering to stringent building standards and regulations. The program employs skilled professionals and utilizes high-quality materials and construction techniques to deliver durable and safe homes.

What are some of the climate-smart features included in Project 500 homes?

Climate-smart features in Project 500 homes may include energy-efficient appliances, solar panels, rainwater harvesting systems, sustainable building materials, and designs that optimize natural ventilation and lighting to reduce energy consumption and enhance environmental sustainability.

How does Project 500 accelerate the construction process?

Project 500 utilizes mechanized and efficient construction methods, including prefabrication and modular construction techniques. These methods significantly reduce the time required to build homes while maintaining high quality and durability.

How does Project 500 address maintenance considerations for its homes?

Project 500 ensures that homes are designed with easy maintenance in mind to keep long-term costs down. This includes selecting durable materials, creating accessible layouts for essential systems, and incorporating features that minimize the need for frequent repairs and upkeep. This focus on maintenance helps homeowners save time and money over the life of their home.

How does Project 500 handle environmental concerns during construction?

Project 500 is committed to minimizing environmental impact during construction. This includes implementing sustainable building practices, managing waste responsibly, and preserving natural resources. Environmental assessments are conducted to ensure that construction activities are eco-friendly.


How can someone purchase a home through Project 500?

Individuals interested in purchasing a home through Project 500 can choose from the available model floor plans at the particular housing sites’ office and put in an offer to buy the desired property once available.

What financing options are available for purchasing a home through Project 500?

Project 500 is committed to making homeownership accessible and achievable for more families. To realize this vision, we are partnering with banks to provide comprehensive support and financial solutions for prospective homebuyers. Our collaboration with banks focuses on creating a clear, manageable path to homeownership through a variety of tailored services and programs.